Monday, August 1, 2011

Flying By

Can you believe it is August already? Where is the summer going? I don't feel like we have done a thing. I wanted to travel to Richmond VA yesterday but mother nature spoiled my plans and let it rain, so we just stuck around the area and did a bit of Geocaching. We always have fun with that. We were on a  what we call quick park and grab day. This is where you only go after the caches that are hidden in easy to find places like light post skirts or metal utility boxes that hold little magnetic ones. We managed to add 22 finds to our day and now have over 300 total. Small numbers by geocaching standards but a lot for newbies like us. I personally like the caches that are hidden along the trails in parks or the edge of the tree line somewhere, but the ticks are so bad this year along with the chiggers (see previous post for what happened to me with them) that even using OFF we try to avoid them until fall. We did manage to see this guy yesterday.

Some one told me it is a weaver spider but I'm not sure what that is. I just liked the web. He/she spun it down instead of around.
Saturday my daughter had been by with the grand kids and my new grand dog. They got an American Eskimo  Spitz pup. It seems the dog was lost and after searching for the owner for more than a week with no luck decided he will make a good pet for the boys. I think every kid needs a dog (even though I am more a cat person) and this is a nice size for the family.
Today is my third day in a row off which only happens once a month so I am taking advantage of it by doing a bit of cleaning and laundry. My next Sunday off will be two weeks from now so maybe we can get up to Richmond then. I really want to make another visit to  Hollywood Cemetery
 The old tombstones are amazing and there are lots of Civil War graves there including the dead from the battle of Gettysburg.
Anyway that is about it around here. I hope everyone is having a great summer.