Ready or not I am moving into the trailerhood. I signed all my papers this week and we have been over there everyday cleaning and painting. I swear I have never seen so much dirt in one place. I don’t know how the previous owners could live there. I am talking really nasty dirty. I scrubbed the tub and shower area for at lest an hour. I have to admit it does look better but I still feel like it is dirty. David is going to put new caulking on it soon and that will help. The walls in there are green, flat paint and sooo ugly. I suppose if I had to pick a room though the bathroom would be my favorite. It is far above the brown walls and gray carpet we found in the living room, or the gold walls with blue carpet in the master bedroom. of course the smaller bedroom being an dark purple doesn’t help, but at lest that room has new tan carpet.
The kitchen was also brown with a gray and white title floor and stained cabinets. Or so we thought until I started to wash them down. The stain came right off to reveal a funky color yellow underneath. When I realized what was happening I didn’t finish, so all that is facing us to finish up. I’ve learned Awesome spray and Clorox Bleach are my new best friends.
That along with a five gallon bucket of white paint has done wonders. The windows in the place are so dirty that the paper towel came out pure black dirty. There is no way that they were cleaned for many years. The blinds are bad, but do have to be taken into the shower and at lest sprayed off. Why they bothered with them is beyond me, no one can see in or out of the nasty glass. Sigh!
We streamed cleaned the carpets last night and they turned out ok. Not great but ok. There is still a ton of work to do and to top it off we already have plumbing problems, The tub and toilet are stopped up.We are pretty sure the problem is in the main line and if so that is maintained by the mobile home park. We called them last night and they are suppose to be checking it out today.
In the mean time while all this is going on I am working and trying to pack out the apt. clean and organize, and I am sooo exhausted. I have to go to work today and work the closing shift which is 10 pm..Ugh
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