Thursday, April 21, 2011

Time to catch up

Hello Blog World. I really didn't get lost. It just seems that every time I plan to sit down and write a post something gets in my way. I'm off today so maybe I can finally catch up. Life is good here in the hood (trailer hood), no drama and almost bordering on the edge of dull ha ha. I'm thankful for boring since things could be much worse considering all the bad weather that hit here last week. Tornadoes ripped into North Carolina and parts of Virginia hitting the town of Gloucester and killing three. One of my co-workers lives there, and thankfully was not hit. I was working at the mall late that night and I don't mind telling you I was a bit nervous. Where  I work is about 30 miles from it and that is to close for comfort. My house is 30 miles in the other direction but my boy friend said the trailer did some rocking. Whew. Anyway with that behind us the weather is finally trying to clear up and make way for spring. The azalea bushes are in full bloom

As you can see the yard needs some work, but I'm just happy to have one. It's been over 15 years since I have had a space to call my own. My side yard has a few things growing (including these little trees seen here that have to be cut down)
Hopefully by fall we will have this area boxed off and mulch put in. I am trying to get phlox to grow on the other side and will take some photos of it next time.

Miss Bella Kitty (Isabella named from the Twilight movie) has taken a liking to the porch and wants to spend her days when I am home out there.
I can't say that I blame her, as it is becoming a favorite of mine too..

  Well gang that is about all the news around here, just wanted to check in. I need to get my self motivated. I hear laundry calling my name. I need to finish it up and start cooking tonight's dinner (spaghetti) so when my honey gets off work we can get in a bit of geocaching before dark. I hope everyone has a lovely day and a blessed Easter Sunday.


Sharon said...

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Easter to you also.
Your deck looks a little like the one we had when we lived in the trailer hood.
your flowers are beautiful.
I am glad to hear that you are safe.
Do you have a storm shelter in the hood?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Patty, You are going to have to email me and catch me up on what has gone on in your life... You mentioned 'boyfriend'... I assume that you got a divorce... What happened???

How are your kids/grandkids? Do you see them often?

Hope you are happy... You have done a good job fixing up your new home.
Happy Easter.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Don't know if you have my email address by if you need it, it's


peppylady (Dora) said...

Boring I've replace it with "uneventful" which I'm thrilled thats there no word other then "uneventful.
As for blogging I notice I don't blog as much as I did before.

Those flowers our beautiful. I only got a few the weather here like the rest of country been might strange.

Coffee is on.

KathyA said...

Glad you came through that horrid weather unscathed!

Those hosta and azaleas look so healthy! Isn't it nice to have stuff blooming?

And the kitty is beautiful!!

Carole Burant said...

Such gorgeous flowers and I'm envious that you have flowers in bloom already! lol My tulips and daffodils are afraid to bloom, I think, because of the cold and rainy weather we've been having the last few days. Grass is still yellow and no leaves on the trees yet. I love your porch area and I can see why Bella enjoys being in there:-) Glad that you were safe from all that nasty weather that went on over there, just having the trailer rock a bit from the winds would be bad enough!!! xoxo