Thursday, May 5, 2011

Playing catch up

Wow am I behind on my blogging. I swear every time I sit down at the computer I find a thousand other things to do besides write in this poor neglected blog. Not a lot to update but here is what I've been doing.
Don't you love the little fish! I had not been fishing in years so my boyfriend and I took a day off to relax. This was my "big cactch"
Not much else in that lake so we took off to Newport News to my daughter's home and grabbed my grandkids and went to a different area.
As you can see the lake here is quite nice.

My oldest grandson Cody managed to catch several fish while Noah watched from the comfort of his stroller. All in all we had a great day

I think I have mentioned before that my boyfriend and I are avid geocachers. We go out to find the little hidden treasures every chance we get so last weekend we went to our local downtown area. i was so thrilled when I realized the cache was hidden in of all places an old cemetery. Now you followed me on my older blogs you know that I LOVE old cemeteries.
Saint Paul's Episcopal Church also known as (Borough Church) is a historic church in Norfolk, Virginia. Built in 1739, it is the sole colonial-era building which survived the various wars that Norfolk has witnessed. The church has played host to several different denominations throughout its history. Originally an Anglican church, the building was home to a Baptist parish in the early nineteenth century and was finally converted back into an Episcopal church.
 Just take a look at some of the old grave markers

In wartime

Cannonball in the wall of Saint Paul's Episcopal Church
Following his defeat at the Battle of Great Bridge, Lord Dunmore attacked Norfolk from the sea as he fled Virginia on January 1, 1776. In retaliation, patriots set fire to the homes of loyalists; however, the fire became unmanageable, and nearly the entire town was destroyed by the flames. The church was the only major building in the city to escape substantial damage in the assault,though a cannonball (purportedly fired by the Liverpool)did strike its wall.[By the 1830s, the cannonball was no longer embedded in the wall. However, it was discovered buried in the yard of the church, and returned to its original resting place in the 1840s, and remains there today.During the Civil War, the building acted as a chapel for the Union army, and was returned after the surrender of Robert E. Lee, though it required extensive repairs.
Visiting the church while in Norfolk during World War II, Lord Louis Mountbatten is reputed to have said that Dunmore's cannonball "damn near missed" its target.

All in I really enjoyed the visit.

In my next post I will tell you about the rest of the day


KathyA said...

I hope you weren't depending on that fish for your dinner!

I love old cemeteries, too.

Carole Burant said...

You catch the same size fish I usually catch! lol The boys looked like they were having a great old time. Ice has just melted off our lakes over here, believe it or not!!

How perfect that your latest geocaching took place in an old cemetery!! You know how much I love old cemeteries as well:-) Really enjoyed reading the history behind that cannon ball. xoxo

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow Patty---you are quite a fisher-woman... ha ha ... Eat him slowly and take little bitty bites!!!!! ha

I know how much you love old cemeteries.... That one reminds me of some of the ones we visited around Williamsburg/Yorktown and Jamestown.

Sounds like you are enjoying life.

Deborah Wilson said...

Very old cemetery Patty - and great photos of the kids and lake. I'm glad that you are enjoying yourself!

Old Dunmore almost did miss his target!